By creating this 'truck' I learnt basic skills such as creating polygons and snapping together objects. In the end I managed to create the model but struggled doing it - finding it a bit infuriating. However I think with more practice I should hopefully become more competent at using the programme. We used tools such as 'Insert edge loop', 'extrude', 'merge' and 'bevel'. As well as hot keys (Z = Undo, Shift Z = Redo) and the importance of deleting

We were given some activities to create and get to grips with basic animation. These involved making a pendulum swing - which meant manually altering the animation graphs causing different aspects of the pendulum to move at different times - so the 'swing' follows through giving a more naturalistic look.
We also used what we'd learnt with the above animation to create something a little bit more complex, in honesty I struggled a bit with this animation - and it shows with the quick jerking of the pendulum as it stops, I need to work on timing and perfecting editing the animation graphs.
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