Thursday, 20 March 2014

Live Brief (ExPro): Live Brief #1: Axes (and other attempts)

A scene in both our Live Brief entries involve a fight between a knight/barbarians/wizard etc. Therefore we needed appropriate props.

I altered plastic axes to look battered and grimy, and hopefully more realistic for these shots. Varying colours etc was meant to signify a difference between the weapons, (despite them originally being the same).

Before and After
The concept of Live Brief #1 was for a young child to wander through the magical woods. An idea to visually illustrate this further was to dress the set a little, a specific idea was to do this with piles of books propped by trees.

Attempting to make these however (as sourcing naturally old, bound books would prove expensive and hard to carry), was difficult (as shown below) and ultimately abandoned due to looking tacky, and obviously made from cardboard.

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