Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Skills I want to Develop outside of our Modules

There are quite a few things I want to improve and/or look into that aren't necessarily covered specifically in our Course Modules this year.

A main skill that I'm always trying to improve is my drawing/illustration ability. I'm considering starting Life Drawing again to improve drawing anatomy (as well as finding reference with anatomy books etc) and also focus on bringing more expression and movement into Characters I draw. A book I am reading at the moment 'Character Mentor' by Tom Bancroft explains the importance of character poses and I am finding it very useful. In honesty I should challenge myself a little more to draw a range of things I wouldn't usually draw (as I mainly focus on drawing faces).

Speed and quality are aspects I want to improve too, as I'd like to be able to produce concept art at a quicker pace than I am at the moment, yet still keeping a good quality. I'm planning on practicing using Photoshop and generally sketching in my sketchbook in my spare time as well as researching how artists I admire create their work.

Something not really covered on the course is 2D animation. Over summer I started using Flash and found it quite interesting to use, especially hand drawing the animation. It's something I'd like to develop in my free time if possible, as it would also cause me to focus on anatomy and movement in drawings (- as stated above these are things I really need practice in) if I were to animate a character.

I'm also quite interested in getting involved in more practical things - building things etc -, which would get me away from constantly working on the computer. For example I'm interested in Set Design, which I am looking into at the moment.

It looks like it'll be a pretty busy year developing these skills alongside the skills we'll be improving and learning in the course!

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