Wednesday, 5 February 2014

More idea development and initial concept sketches

We are intending to enter some live briefs during this project, below is a quick sketch concept of a logo being immersed in vines, an idea that would be realised in VFX.

We have been developing our idea for our 'main' short film. Whilst wanting a 'Black Mirror'-esque feel to it, we have been looking at themes such as advertising, isolation and technology. An idea we are developing at the moment involves a 'robot' type character building things he sees in advertisements, until he ultimately wants to build a companion out of junk. Below are rough, initial concepts in reference to this, drawing on the mechanical people in Mirror Mask and designs from Umbrella Academy. At the moment the designs are 'complex', and a simple identifiable design would be a lot better (and perhaps easier) in the long run, which is something to be considered.

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