Friday, 23 March 2012

Lecture - Social Media and Communication

 This lecture focused on the change from 'old' media to 'new'. Instead of transmitting ideas to an audience in order to persuade (as Old media has done), New media instead focusses on involving the audience and creating engagement and interaction.

This is done through the use of the internet, communicating ideas through viral video's and creating a 'buzz' around something. By involving the audience emotionally, they will want to spread and share the content, and through social networks, such as twitter, this has never been easier.

Connecting emotionally with the audience, and the audience in a way becoming judges of the content (if it's good it will be successful and be spread, if it's bad it will not become 'vira'l), allows creativity to flourish in the industry. Creating original and sometime beautiful films, such as the one below. (the moment around 0:50 - the use of slow motion and music - is fantastic)

I'd never seen this advert until during the lecture, and immediately found it stunning and impacting. It had won an award on YouTube, illustrating the impact the audience now has on media, in a way orchestrating what is produced in the future.

The audience is treated more casually, allowing creative and funny adverts to be created, for example the 'Old Spice' adverts, which also incorporate the use of social networking in their campaign, by 'tweeting' replies to 'fans' etc.

Adverts are seen now more as 'Campaigns', using the internet to their advantage, yet old media still has it's place, working with new media to create an all rounded interactive experience for the audience.

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