Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Friday's Crit - Rough Edit and thoughts/improvements

Friday we had to show a rough edit (or however far we were with this project) to the class. Below is my Rough Edit:

There's a lot that obviously needed to be completed, for example the backgrounds 'on the ship' were just bases or not even added yet and the warping from outside to inside the ship is a big problem for me.  I like the film burn effect as it coincides with the design and theme of my film, however I've keyed it too slow and there isn't an act of 'burning' to compliment it, I'm going to look into adding some form of light rays too add a bit more drama whilst speeding it up.

To me the edit itself runs quite slowly, it was suggested in the Crit to lose the first shot, which I agree with as it drags on and doesn't add much to the scene. I'd like to make the intro, the viewing of the ship and running away, a little more dynamic and may cut in some other footage (filmed by Tom on the day)   of peoples reactions and close ups. I did try this before but movements and continuity seemed to jar quite noticeably (as Jeff is an extra in some of these shots) we'll have to see whether it works now I have actual 'Ship' footage.

I am aware that by adding the sound I will be able to carry the introduction, as I will be able to introduce the idea of the Ship before it's seen (through clanking whirring - unnatural noises). Sound design is incredibly important to a successful video and I hopefully will be able to devote some time to making it work properly.

Hopefully I'll be able to colour grade this and give it a smooth finish once I've finished editing all my footage in After Effects.

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