Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Setting Textures and Extra Items

So the setting needed to be quite simple but effective - we were going to be relying on the lighting change quite a bit in order for the buildings to look somewhat real and then (when they tumble down) fake, so the designs didn't have to be too complex. After Alex pointed out it would be easier to use blueprints of buildings to create the outline, I decided to draw a few plans and then colour them. Most below are mine (except the bottom right building which was a source image).

Having a few different designs I could mix and match and adjust the colours and details of the buildings slightly so they didn't seem to same-y and repetitive. However I was worried once dropped in (since each block in the set is a duplication of each other) the streets looked too repetitive. Once lights were added though, this didn't seem to be a problem, as the main attention is on the characters.

To add a little bit more detail and character to the set I drew a few newspapers and grates to be added around the set, (again I was influence by ParaNorman and it's 'wonky' designs', in a bid to try and not make everything stream lined). 

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