Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Test #01 Tracking and 'Glitch Effect'

I am experimenting with After Effects to see how I would go about achieving the 'glitching' side-effects the 'subject' in my film will be beginning to experience. I'm still quite new to the software (The last module being my first real introduction to it), so have followed a tutorial for the basics of tracking etc. to see what it can achieve:

Following the guide I tracked the face and added a texture (one more fitting for my project rather than the wounds the tutorial used) to produce the below Test:

A large amount of movement and loss of tracking points (see images below) meant the tracking isn't completely smooth, however once adjusting the choker and the speed of opacity this can be made less obvious. I'm going to look into this further and see how effective and subtle I can make this sort of effect but I'll also look into other ways of achieving a similar outcome, for example it's been suggesting I try out 'Meshwarp' in After Effects.

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