Copyright law is not moving fast enough to keep up with the Internet. Today it is second nature to share data, to remix and restyle content with the internet. Copyright law aims to give the owner control over their own material. It covers:
- Copying
- Adapting
- Distributing
- Communicating to the public by transmission
- Public Performance - Therefore technically some buskers are infringing copyright (unless they've covered it with their city council) when singing some songs on the street.
- Renting and Lending
- Mutilating Defacing or distorting.
If content is put on the internet however these laws are only covered in the UK, therefore if America wanted to take some content they could.
Creative Commons is a non-profit organisation that allows legal sharing, this is used for example, on deviant art where some people want to share textures. However they can have certain demands and still ask for credit.
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