Monday, 3 October 2011

Photoshop Induction

 I love Photoshop, and get a bit childishly excited when I find out something new it can do (and since I'm not actually that knowledgable on it - this happens quite often). So during our Induction  last Wednesday I got quite giddy when I was taught about the Vanishing Point technique and Photoshops' ability to work out Panorama's itself - as well as Image Stacking! 
 However, as interesting as those were, there were two main points in the Induction that I not only found really interesting (as it explained why some of my Images in the past didn't turn out as expected) but also really invaluable.
These were:

- The difference between RGB and CMYK - (and how to check your print will turn out well/ colour gamuts etc) - as I never understood this before - so would be constantly disappointed when my prints of digital work wouldn't come out as vibrant as I had intended.

- How to edit an image in an 'non-destructive' way - This involves using layers and adjustment layers whilst leaving the original image constantly intact - Usually somewhere along the line in the past I have destroyed an original image when editing -(But hopefully not anymore!)

At the end of the Induction we were able to apply what we have learnt to a series of stock images and create an 'environment'. This is my attempt, I think it turned out Ok, though certain aspects - such as the bottom of the buildings, could be improved.

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