Wednesday, 15 May 2013


Test Subject 19 conducts her video blogs in a room she's been allocated. I want it to be quite simple, yet hopefully signify or add to the narrative.

Early concept art for the environment/room the test subject video blogs for (coupled with colour and 'glitch effect' ideas):

My initial plan was to film in a room at college, which is quite muted in colours (lots of whites) and has a slightly sterile feel, this would allow me to dress it. Since it is just one shot a whole room doesn't have to be designed.

I created a couple of 'props' to dress the set with, such as no smoking/food or drink/mobile signs, since this could disrupt the 'electrical implant' that has been embedded into Test Subject 19's arm. Hopefully it adds a little bit of depth/context to the footage, though I'd have preferred to spend a little more time no them.

Though barely visible I tried to make the content fitting, there's a logo of the company/institution running the experiment that is printed on quite a few documents. I enjoy creating and building things, so adding extra details, such as Test Subject 19's documentation, hopefully adds a little bit of depth to the environment.

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