Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Independent Internet Film Makers

I really enjoy watching Youtube and Video films created by 'independent' film makers. A lot of their content is made with a small team of friends/contacts and illustrates how interesting and creative content can be made without a massive budget or production team. For example shown in Olan Rogers behind the scenes video below :

This can be simultaneously motivating and disheartening at the same time, as quite a few YouTubers and film makers are of a similar age to me and my coursemates but produce vastly better quality work than we do. However they usually show a motivation and drive to create their work and often show behind the scenes and makings of, which can be quite inspiring and spark ideas for my own projects. Videos like these made by people of a similar age group and small budget makes film making seem incredibly fun whilst at the same time, also being achievable. Often I compare my work to industry standard which can be quite detrimental to the ego as it's easy to forget a large team and many hours were put into the work. Smaller videos created by accessible 'real' people illustrates that good quality work can be achievable and is a possibility if I improve. It makes things seem less daunting and motivates me to be less hesitant. 

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