Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Starting with Unity.

For our next Module (Game Art) we've been introduced to using Unity, as it will be a key player in making our end product. For the moment we are focusing on 'scenography', not actual gameplay or interaction, therefore we have been learning techniques that will be useful when creating our 'sets'.We'll be using a 'First Person Controller' to move around the sets we build.

I'm enjoying using Unity at the moment, finding it quicker to get to grips with than Maya (though probably using Maya has helped this ease in someway) and am excited by the potential the program has to produce something interesting.

The left image illustrates some of the Render Settings on the programme, such as the Skybox (which creates a sky) and Fog. These are brilliant because already it seems like a world is coming together.

It was really motivating to see how much progress could be made in a short amount of time as we began following a 'practice brief' and building a Dock. This was done by  blocking out the scene then adding things such as a Skybox and water etc.

We also began using Lights, which seem to work in the same way as those in Maya, they add to the over all effect and 'vibe' of the set, and will be very useful in our actual end 'sets' that we build. These lights could be coloured to create different moods to the scene, for example the image to the right is 'nighttime' (and with a nighttime sky set to the Skybox it seems quite plausible.

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